RabbitEARS is dedicated to the rescue of rabbits and guinea pigs in need of new homes. We are based in the East Bay Area, in the Temescal neighborhood of Oakland, CA.
Our all-volunteer crew works to care for the animals, and provide education and support for adopters. All proceeds and donations to the rescue go to support the animals, as we have no paid staff.
We offer a variety of services and supplies for sale at the rescue. Here are some ways you can get involved or support us:
- Adopt bunnies or guinea pigs
- Buy supplies from us:
- Timothy hay, Alfalfa hay, Orchard grass by the flake
- Pellets and treats from reputable brands like Oxbow and Science Selective brands
- Disposable bedding …and more
- Bring your bunnies and guinea pigs in for grooming services – such as nail trims, rabbit anal gland cleaning, guinea pig boar sac cleaning
- Board your bunnies and guinea pigs with us
- Pick up rabbit compost for your garden
- Volunteer with us!
We get our animals from local shelters, and please note that we do not accept animals surrendered directly from the public.
Please come visit us during our open hours to buy supplies or pick up compost!
All other visits (grooming, adoption visits to meet animals, boarding, volunteer orientations) are by appointment only. Email: rabbitearsrescue@gmail.com
Find us from 12 noon to 8 pm, Wednesday through Sunday, at 6124 Telegraph Ave, Oakland CA 94609. We are closed Monday and Tuesday.
Phone: 510-655-EARS (3277)
* Please note that we do not have the staff capacity to allow walk-in visitors to the animal area of the rescue.